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Learn AVA

Instructions for Researchers & Admins

Using AVA

You are regularly on AVA to manage third party funded projects? This site provides you with more detailed instructions on Login and AVA's work areas before going into project management (video 3 and onwards).

As a minimum, have a look at video 2b (Where's my process) before starting to work with AVA.


1. Login

Login (via UZH-IAM) and how to proceed, if you don't have an UZH-Login yet.

2a. Meet AVA I: Workspaces and "My projects"

AVA's workspaces in general.
Overview in "My Projects": Information and Customizing (starting at 1:53).

2b. Meet AVA II: Where is my process?

How to initialise a process in AVA and which process applies (general overview).
Institutional approval (some SNSF funding lines, all EU/NIH applications) starting at 1:06.
Projekt initialisation at 2:50.
Projekt modification and close starting at 3:35.

3. READY: Entering project data

Researchers: Select a funding line, enter your data and add an administrative support.

Admins (starting at 6:20): Select a funding line, enter the project information for a researcher and give them access.

4. READY: Determining project cost

How to determine staff and other cost for a new project in AVA. This tool can be used for all non-SNSF projects. For SNSF projects, cost is best determined via mySNF.

5. READY: (Letter of) institutional support

Obtaining the institutional support required for some SNSF funding lines (e.g. Eccellenza/Prima, Ambizione, R’Equip) and for all NIH- and all EU-funding lines.

6. READY: Pre-Assessments (legal/financial)

Do you have a draft agreement with a donor and are uncertain about the effect of certain clauses? Or would you like to know if your project is subject to VAT or an overhead levy? Then ask for a legal and/or a financial pre-assessment via AVA.

7. READY: Data protection and Ethics Self Assessment Tool (DESAT)

How to clarify any open questions regarding data protection and ethics for your project.

8. SET: Initiating your project

The donor's approval has arrived - congratulations. Here's how you can initiate your project (i.e. request a new SAP project).

9. SET: Initiating an SNSF-Projekt via GrantNumber

Lead applicants with the SNSF can enter their SNSF GrantNumber and thereby download data and documents for approved projects from mySNF. This may take a couple of seconds, but makes the rest of the project initiation easier.

10. SET: Discard project

This one didn't make it? Sorry. Here's how to discard projects you no longer need.

11. SET: Add new project documentation

Your project generated additional funding? Here's how adding the new documentation to an existing project.

Please note that this means, all funding will go to the existing project - e.g. "F-12345-01-01". If you want to manage your funding in a new sub-project "F-12345-01-02" please check out Video No. 12 below.

12. SET: New sub-project

How to go from F-12345-01-01 to F-12345-01-02.

13. GO: Modifying projects I (title and duration)

Got an extension? Fancy a new title (e.g. for publication in the annual report)? Here's how it works.

14. GO: Modifying projects II (admins)

Update the admin support.

15. GO: Modifying projects III (principal investigator and/or profit center)

The principal investigator left and you need to transfer the project to someone else? Here's how.

Changes in profit center (e.g. if the researcher changed organisation within UZH) can also be requested here (x:xx).

16. GO: Finalizing your project

All the bills are paid and the final report has been submitted? Then here's how finalizing your project works.

17. GO: Finalizing your project - How to check the criteria

This video shows you how to check for open accounts, assets or other things that would prevent the finalizing of your project.

18. GO: View project data

You are looking for your project's end date or need to check the documentation? Here's what data is available to you via AVA.

19. Dunning

You got an e-mail with a dunning notification? Here are the next steps (aka: how to get rid of it).

No 19 is based here

Working with AVA and Behind the Scenes

Do you work with others in administering the same projects? Or would you like to know that happens after submitting a form? Then continue here.

20. Collaborating on AVA (Admins/Researchers or Admins/Admins)

AVA is very flexible in the division of labor. This video shows a few tipps on how to collaborate and good points for handover.

21. Small step, big effect

Some tipps for entries in AVA that can really save you a lot of hassle later: (1) Short title, (2) Payment dates, (3) Handling AVAs' mailings ...